March 30, 2008

life ain't that bad

after getting back from a nice trip in boracay, i was inclined to be in the office the last two days of last week since my managers were here for a visit. i was prepared for the worst for my focal download but everything turned out quite alright. i'm happy that things sort of worked out in the end. we had a sort of an open forum during their stay and we talked about the much controversial "future". the good news is that they seemed to be in the camp of looking at our best interests and since this topic is a bit sensitive for most, i am not going to give any more details. it gives me pause though because i'm once again faced with two choices - one is to continue pursuing other opportunities outside or second, to wait it out until a probable announcement. its somewhat difficult to make that choice because we don't know when that "announcement" is going to happen. this year? next year? can i still wait that long when i've been itching to move out since the last quarter of the year past. waiting it out has its merits so maybe its not really such a tough decision to make.

March 20, 2008

AI7 : Top 11 Results

American Idol Season 7 Top 10

Bottom 3 :
Carly Smithson - safe!
Kristy Lee Cook - safe!
Amanda Overmyer - eliminated!

March 18, 2008

mac update ... and some other stuff

or more aptly - the lack of it. i called up the power mac center at greenbelt but they said the technician is still "diagnosing" it. and the thing is, they'll be closed tomorrow because of the holy week and the latest they will be able to get back to me will be monday next week. at which time i would already be enjoying the sun, sand and salt water in boracay. the only thing i am praying for is that hopefully being good this holy week and doing my catholic duties will spare my macbook from any major repair expenses.

=-=- OoO -=-=

the stitches on my neck were finally removed today. its a relief not to have a big bandaged plastered on my neck today onwards. the doctor said i should refrain from exposing it to the sun though so that is a bit of hassle next week. still, bandage gone is a big consolation.

=-=- OoO -=-=

i'm liking this new show "new amsterdam" about a detective who is immortal. the main character is that guy from the "wimbledon" movie who was the best friend of paul bettany. in some angles, he reminds me of david boreanaz (of "angel" and "buffy" fame), rather the slimmer look-a-like. the plot is quite interesting and i am hoping that this series, while a mid-season filler, picks up enough audience to not be some flash-in-the-plan show. four more weeks though and most of our favorite shows will be staging their return. can't wait for grey's anatomy, house and the rest.

March 15, 2008

i'm on the list

De La Salle finally released the list of graduates and i'm happy to say that my name is ON THE LIST! Yay! After 3.5 years of slaving over homeworks, cases and presentations and burning the midnight oil reading text books (ok, so this last part is so not true), i'm finally done with graduate school. Ok, so there's still some slight sting from not graduating with honors because i missed it by about 0.02 points (giggle!) but no use crying over spilled milk now.

Master of Business Administration major in Supply Chain Management has a pretty nice ring to it. That looks good on my resume (lol). I got my measurements for my toga yesterday. Graduation is on April 26.

Now what would be a fitting graduation gift for myself?

friendster is so last season

wasn't it just a few years back when the whole friendster fever swept over everybody in the philippines? i think everyone wanted an online profile and a social networking tool. i don't really check my friendster account that much anymore - just the occasional posting of pictures for anyone who would care.

nowadays, i'm pretty much hooked on FACEBOOK. so yeah its basically the same thing except that it has gazillions of add-ons that gets you crazy hahaha too much applications that i still have 55 requests pending and will probably just stay that way. what is funny is that i'm addicted to the MY HEROES ABILITY and PETROLHEAD applications - the former being to be the most powerful "hero" and right now i'm already at level 25 (lol!) and in petrolhead (some sorta racing), i've managed to upgrade my car twice already. i just find its a good way to pass time when online, uhmmm ok, add that to scouring the net for american idol studio recordings (i'm missing na lang yung top 16 performances). The other cool thing is the texas hold'em application - really can turn you into a gambler. good thing gambling isn't really for me so i just play with it occasionally.

so yeah, facebook is the new thing - at least for us who just discovered it recently.

if there's a mac god somewhere ...

i honestly don't know what happened but when i tried using my macbook two days ago, the dang thing won't turn on anymore. i felt so bad as i tried every troubleshooting method i read on the apple website to no avail. the tragedy of this is that the warranty expired last feb 24 - so its a good couple of weeks for it to break down on me. i checked if buying an applecare extended warranty was a good idea only to realize that it was going to cost me 10,000 pesos for it. uhmm, that felt really exorbitant so i just decided to bring it to the power mac center at greenbelt. so its going to be 500 pesos for the diagnosis - yes, they charge as much as consulting a real-life doctor. i'm praying whatever is wrong with it isn't the motherboard with the service girl telling me if it turns out to be the motherboard, its going to cost 40,000 pesos - suddenly, forking out 10k for an extended applecare doesn't seem so exorbitant anymore. so if there's a mac god somewhere, i am hoping he bestow some mercy and make it a minor, easily resolvable, cheap problem. i still need to build my quadcore pc and there are still a lot of bills to pay.

if it turns out that the motherboard is the problem, i don't plan on spending another 40k to get something i use like 3-4 times a month repaired. if that's the case, its pretty much the end of my being a mac user.

March 11, 2008

Stronger Woman

my favorite girl is back, better and stronger than ever. i knew right away it was her the first time i heard this song. she just have that distinct voice and sound that i love so much.

this boy needs fixin'

i went to my ortho yesterday to finally have my other third molar extracted. honestly, while i wanted to get it over with, a part of me doesn't want to go through the pain like the last time. the injections pretty much is the easy part, its the actual extraction that hurt like hell before. surprisingly though come extraction time, we breezed right through it. my ortho kept telling me to stop him if i needed more anaesthesia but i didn't - it wasn't really painful. it was just uncomfortable to say the least. i guess the anaesthesia were all in the right places this round so i should be thankful for that. the other thing i should be thankful for should be that my teeth weren't as bad to begin with and that was maybe why the discomforts of adjustment weren't that bad after a while. what remains true is that braces, adjustments and tooth extractions feels more like torture than anything else. that's the price to pay for wanting to have perfect teeth.

today, i went to a plastic surgeon to have this wart-like growth on my neck removed. i've had since i was still a kid and since our company health card covers it, i decided it was time to have it removed and take advantage of the benefit. i was surprised that instead of a dermatologist (or something), i was consulting with a plastic surgeon. suffice it to say, i knew i was in better hands. the procedure was pretty quick, probably a good 30 or so minutes and i didn't really feel any pain except for that strange feeling of knowing a part of you is being sewn up. i'm actually sporting a big bandage on my neck right now and turning my head takes a bit of an effort. no heavy lifting, no physical exertion - there goes my gym time. i took ponstan a while back and will be taking my antibiotics in a while. hopefully the sutures won't sting so much as the anaesthesia wear off.

tomorrow, i'm going back for the results of another consult. i'm really gettin' old - but its a good thing these procedures i'm doing are more aesthetic rather than because of some life-threatening illness. i should be thankful for that. but still, hospitals = gloom, regardless of whatever reason you go there.

March 09, 2008

goodbye's not forever

we received van's sad news last friday that her dad, after month's battling with the big C, finally passed away. the news sort of dampened our spirits what with our scheduled trip to the beach over the weekend. it has been a tough time for van and her family, most especially her dad. i haven't met van's dad so much to have familiarity but i've been friends with van for a long time already. this is the thing about being an adult that i hate - its a time to face up to bigger realities of life, bigger eventualities and inevitables. we all know death is certain but its never an easy thing to accept.

over the last few times i've managed to catch up with van, it was difficult to talk about what her family was going through. there's something about these difficult times that turns kids into adults, that sheds immaturity and makes someone more responsible. i guess in some way, facing up to bigger problems makes you realize that playtime is over. like i said, being a grown-up sucks.

Daddy Pio is now with the Lord. No more pain and suffering. We should all pray for the eternal repose of his soul and pray for strength and peace for van and her family.

March 07, 2008

March 06, 2008

the road ahead

people are abuzz nowadays regarding what we have already known for quite some time. its probably one of the more pressing reasons why there seemed to be an exodus in the past couple of years. there's no confirmation yet but the rumor mill is in overdrive regarding the seeming inevitable. i say a lot of people are just waiting until they hear the official announcement - until that time, people will continue to speculate. for some, its probably a cause to worry but for the others its probably what they have been waiting, even asking for. for me, i've made my peace with whatever happens. i do still worry but tomorrow is tomorrow and its better to live in the here and now.

the somewhat good news is that while its been a really slow process, jfc/rr updated that they haven't managed to find the time to screen through the other candidates. it means my application is still active and there's still reason to hope for the best. maybe this is all a timing thing - that God in His eternal goodness will be giving me the best of both worlds - a package and a new adventure. while that's probably hoping for a whole lot, sometimes you just get a windfall of luck.

when you least expect it, there seems to be a whole lot of windows opening. i think opportunities do abound and its just a matter of really looking for the right one. there's some sidelines that may happen - cross my fingers - really a chance to earn some extra cash. its too early to say how it will pan out but believing it can happen is a first step.

the bit of bad news is that most likely our plan to attend the singapore grand prix this september may not happen. most of the freakin' tickets that's affordable are sold out - there's a few remaining at the grandstand. the best seats cost 40k pesos - and i'm not really too keen on spending that much. in my head, its a toss-up between the singapore grand prix or a nikon-D80. and yeah, the nikon D80 is winning.

the one thing to look forward to is me and some friends are off to the beach this weekend. we're starting summer quite early this year.

March 04, 2008

great article

chanced upon this article while taking a 5-minute break from work. its fitting considering the state of the economy right now. thanks to for the great article.

how to prepare for a layoff

Lately, it seems like every day brings yet another headline about impending corporate job cuts. Maybe you’ve even heard rumors that your own company is planning to downsize. Could your job be at risk?

Unfortunately, in today’s world, no job is ever 100% secure. Layoffs have become standard operating procedure for many companies. They hire when business looks good and cut jobs when results fall short of estimates. And it often doesn’t matter how good you are at your job or how hard you work.

Nobody relishes the idea of becoming suddenly unemployed, but a layoff doesn’t have to be the end of the world. The key to minimizing the stress and negative fallout is to prepare now for the possibility of a pink slip.

Trust me, I speak from experience. In more than twelve years of working for large corporations, I’ve lived through countless downsizings, reorganizations, and mergers. In most cases, I survived to work another day. However, I twice found myself among those packing up their desks and turning in their employee IDs. The first time, I was caught unprepared. The second time, I was ready, willing and able to embrace my layoff for what it was — an opportunity to finally make a career change that I had been dreaming about for years.

Follow the advice and you too can make sure layoffs won’t knock you for a loop:

  1. Stay in the Game – First and foremost, never stop looking for new career opportunities – even if your current job feels comfortable and secure. You never know when your dream job might open up. Keep your resume updated and make sure that the right recruiters have your phone number. You should always have a passive job search in progress. That way, you’ll always enjoy a steady stream of job leads and you’ll have a head start on landing your next position if you get laid off. This may sound like obvious advice, but few people truly take it seriously until it’s too late. Don’t allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security. When the layoff rumors start buzzing, goose your passive job search and get a little more active about exploring your options.
  2. Demonstrate Your Value – To increase your odds of hanging onto your current position, do whatever you can to show your manager the value that you provide. This is no time to be modest. Make sure you document your contributions and ensure that your boss understands how much harder her job would be without you.
  3. Don’t Take Any of It Personally – While it doesn’t hurt to demonstrate your value (see above), keep in mind that even the most valuable employees can be laid off. Layoff decisions are based on many factors. Sometimes, it’s about who was hired last. Sometimes, it’s about who makes the most money. Sometimes, there is no clear reason for who winds up on the chopping block. Don’t let rumors and speculation mess with your head. There’s only so much you can do to influence whether or not your name will show up on the layoff list. Don’t waste energy obsessing about what might happen. Channel your energy into figuring out your Plan B.
  4. Build Your Emergency Fund Cut back on discretionary purchases and put as much of your paycheck into your emergency savings fund as you can. Financial planners recommend that you should have enough in your emergency fund to cover your expenses for between three and six months. Hopefully, if you do get laid off, youll also have a severance package that will help you pay the bills. However, the more you can sock away, the more peace of mind youll have if the axe falls.
  5. Do Your Research Find out what kind of severance packages your company has offered in the past. Chances are that some of your colleagues have survived previous rounds of job cuts and can give you some general guidelines regarding what to expect. With a little luck, you might be pleasantly surprised at your companys generosity and realize theres no reason to panic.
  6. Do Your Housekeeping Often, when layoffs are announced, employees are rushed out the door and given little time to pack up and say goodbye. This is generally to prevent unpleasant scenes. However, if you think you might be facing a quick heave ho in the near future, you’d be smart to pack up your important possessions in advance. Make copies of work samples, performance reviews, and other key documents. Make sure you transfer all of your contacts to your personal computer. Start lugging home your extra pairs of shoes and family photos.
  7. Remember to Look on the Bright Side At worst, getting laid off is a temporary trial (and you will get through it, I promise). At best, your layoff may be the kick in the pants you need to find a more fulfilling job. I interviewed dozens of successful career changers for my forthcoming book and many of them spoke of being thankful for their layoffs (some of them volunteered or even begged to be let go). Their severance packages gave them the time and opportunity to pursue the careers of their dreams. If youve been unhappy in your current career path, this layoff may be your chance to explore your options.
i've seen a lot of colleagues, former managers move out in the last two years than in the whole ten years i've been with the big blue. talked about the possibilities a whole lot with friends who've mostly moved on ahead. we all agree the future is uncertain and that having a plan B isn't a bad idea.

March 02, 2008

sunday reflections

i like going to Church alone because not having distractions (to be tempted to talk to someone, etc) helps me focus my attention on what the priest is saying. you see, i actually have a very short attention span, my mind just wanders off from one thing to another. Hearing mass and trying to stay still for an hour and a half can make you restless but more attuned to the people around you. You notice familiar faces - like this guy i realized looked familiar because he was from the same high school except he was two years older. I realized, after being away for so long, that filipinos are still inherently religious. there's still a lot of church goers - singles, committed, courting, families. looking at them, i couldn't help but think of what life would be like if had a family of my own - some one to go to Church with, kids to play with. it would have been nice to live in the mainstream. i realized though that if i had that life then it would have been really hard to take care of my other family. i would probably need two jobs to support my nephew (lol). it dawned on me that that which i can't have i actually already have. i have my nephew. i have my not-perfect-at-all family. so things kind of works out. i guess the only thing missing right now is having someone - your last call for the day. but maybe that's not for everyone, so i am not holding my breath.