March 18, 2008

mac update ... and some other stuff

or more aptly - the lack of it. i called up the power mac center at greenbelt but they said the technician is still "diagnosing" it. and the thing is, they'll be closed tomorrow because of the holy week and the latest they will be able to get back to me will be monday next week. at which time i would already be enjoying the sun, sand and salt water in boracay. the only thing i am praying for is that hopefully being good this holy week and doing my catholic duties will spare my macbook from any major repair expenses.

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the stitches on my neck were finally removed today. its a relief not to have a big bandaged plastered on my neck today onwards. the doctor said i should refrain from exposing it to the sun though so that is a bit of hassle next week. still, bandage gone is a big consolation.

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i'm liking this new show "new amsterdam" about a detective who is immortal. the main character is that guy from the "wimbledon" movie who was the best friend of paul bettany. in some angles, he reminds me of david boreanaz (of "angel" and "buffy" fame), rather the slimmer look-a-like. the plot is quite interesting and i am hoping that this series, while a mid-season filler, picks up enough audience to not be some flash-in-the-plan show. four more weeks though and most of our favorite shows will be staging their return. can't wait for grey's anatomy, house and the rest.

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