December 18, 2007

x/sg update

x/sg set-up the meeting at around 11am this morning and what i thought would be a lengthy conversation turned out to be nothing more than a 10-min chat. lj apologized for not getting back sooner explaining he has been busy with some business trips and some focused needed to meet their yearend targets. quite understandably having worked for the factory as well for more than five years. surprisingly back then, i/we reveled with the hard work and basked in the recognition of meeting our targets. maybe being younger and having the strength to work non-stop made us work harder. nowadays, i don't know if i still have the energy for such rigorous work. or maybe the lull of the past two years have finally made me a slacker - or maybe i'm not seeing things as i should. after all the lull the past two years helped me take care of things at home when B was hospitalized and mom had to look after her. if not for the "flexibility" work afforded me then life then would have been doubly harder. i guess this is the part where you say "things do happen for a reason."

lj explained that he took the past four(?) weeks to talk to other people and i guess him still talking to me means i'm still being considered. he mentioned we are at the last leg of the journey and asked me to fill-up their formal application form. in some way, yes i am quite elated knowing i have a good chance of moving to SG but at the same time, i look forward more to a local prospect in a completely different industry.

i'm beginning to think that maybe i really need a fresh start again. i need a new environment wherein i don't know a whole lot of people. maybe having new friends isn't that bad - my other friends have moved on, and its time i should too. x/sg will give me a new lease on life - there's no fresher start than that. j/rr> also is a fresh start in a completely different way. i probably would have an easier time making my choices in a different time, but the situation is different now. i have to make the practical choice, and whatever that is we're all going to find out soon enough.

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