September 14, 2008

the suckiness of ben 10's movie premiere

my cousin gave my nephew two tickets to cartoon networks made-for-tv premiere of Ben 10 at the mall of asia yesterday. i have to say that whoever is the events organizer for that premiere should just go and shoot themselves in the head for their incompetence. those poor schmucks are just downright stupid. can you imagine having those hapless people lining up before the supposedly start time of the activity only to be told they were at the wrong line. how can there be a wrong line when there were never any line directions to begin with? then this super feeling gay guy comes out and instead of pacifying the irate parents talked sarcastically and did an about face. talk about the lack of character and manners which wasn't surprising given what he looked like. poor, pathetic loser. its irritating when you have kids in tow and you are made to wait indecently for an hour and a half on an otherwise smooth event. clearly, the event organizers for this movie premiere didn't know what they were doing. i try not to do hate but that experience was just really irritating. if not for my nephew and those tickets being free, i would have walked out of there and demanded a refund.

to those who organized this ben 10's movie premiere event, get a brain!

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