October 30, 2008
life after
October 29, 2008
sick and working
October 26, 2008
today's sunday.
woke up at 6am.
chat. chat. chat.
30ml of dayquil.
champ for lunch.
studio shoot in the afternoon.
2 slices of yellow cab. gawd, i want my charlie chan chicken pasta.
dead tired now.
feel worse than when i woke up.
more sick now.
30ml of nyquil.
20 more minutes to la la land.
i freakin' need to get well.
October 25, 2008
sicky sicky
October 24, 2008
I'm booked!
October 19, 2008
- (Jay) Send malou the savings account where people can deposit the membership fee, launch fee and all money matters;
- (Malou) Ask Rick to request permission to use HP's logo
- (Em) Send sponsorship letter for review and validate sponsorship packages
- (Greg) Ask how much to rent a projector or check who can we borrow from?
- (Malou) Find hosts for the PSN launch party - 1 male, 1 female
- (Malou) Find out who can we assign to take BTS for the launch
- (Rick or Ohsie) Can you bring your laptops for the Audio-Visual Presentation?
- (Jenner) Build map on how to go to the venue for the PSN Launch party
- (Rick) Follow-up with HP on raffle as soon as the sponsorship letter is approved
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (Ohsie) Ask Erwin Mallari for ideas on what to shoot for the Xmas cards
- (Jenner) Get quotes on printing of the Xmas Cards
- (Em) Find out list of upcoming RCGM activities. Check past charity they did which we can do a back shoot.
- (Jenner) Get quotes for the printing & framing of the photographs
- (Jenner) Get quotes for the panels for the photo exhibit
- (Sonny) Finalize the layout/design for the exhibit
- (Jay/Em) Finalize with UWP schedule of charity activities & concert dates, venues including agreement with venues to provide spare/location for the exhibit
- (Em) Confirm with RCGM on sponsoring the cost of the exhibit & merchandise (xmas cards)
- (Jenner) Finish PSN calling card design.
- (Jay) Check with Board on agreement for the Proposed Photographers Bond.
- (Ohsie) Send jay the rules & regulations for the Canon Photo Marathon.
- (Jay) Work on the mechanics of the photo selection for the exhibit.
- Publicity. We agreed that Malou should create a simple flyer for the PSN launch party on Oct 25. Malou will work on this tonight so that everyone can post this in their multiply account by tomorrow (Monday). We need MORE people to commit to attend the launch next saturday.
- Non-Paying Guests. We agreed to invite a few of our partners in photography. They will not be paying the Php 300 for the grand launch. Non-paying guests include - Sir Bong Morris, UWP (Luis, Johann) & 2 guests from HP (when they confirm sponsorship).
- Program. As part of the program, we will have the following AVP presentations. (a) PSN History (Ohsie/Jenner/Mark); (b) Up With People (Luis Petzhold); and (c) Photo Exhibit Mechanics/Details/Etc (Jay/Em). We will also have Sir Benjie's speech as President of PSN.
- Registration for Membership/Launch. Malou will prepare the required materials for the registration of people who want to be members of PSN. She (with Mark) will also take care of getting the payment for the Launch party.
- Merchandise. We decided that due to timing constraints, we will no longer pursue the original merchandise except for the CHRISTMAS CARDS. This is still tentative depending on whether we can pull this off. 5 XMAS CARD variants. Instead of photos from RCGM/UWP, we will shoot either a set-up (studio) or not set-up (street) christmas theme for the cards. Only five photos will be selected for the xmas cards. Need to do the shoot for the Xmas cards immediately after the PSN launch party. Jenner will check the cost for the printing of the xmas cards.
- Photo Exhibit. We all agreed that we will still push for 30 photos. 18 photos we will need to shoot either past or upcoming RCGM activities. The 12 remaining photos will be for the charity work done by UWP which we will have to RUSH shoot, choose, print, frame between Nov 19 to 27 because the first UWP concert is scheduled in Nov 28.
- Printing & Exhibit Set-up. Photo prints will be 12x18 in size with a 2-inch border and black frame (No glass). Photographer watermark should be a scanned hand signature only. PSN + Sponsor logos will be placed in the borders, not on the photos. Our sponsorship proposal for HP is to provide printers for instant shoots during the exhibit and for funds for the printing. We will get the photos printed somewhere else. Jenner will get quotes for the printing & framing. Sonny is still in charge of the layout/design for the exhibit.
- Exhibit Schedules, etc. Jay/Em will talk with UWP to finalize the schedules of the UWP charity events and concerts including venues. We also need to make sure that UWP asks the concert venues to provide us with the space required for the photo exhibit and contacts so we can prepare ahead the paperworks required for the ingress, set-up and eggress of the panels.
- Calling cards. Jenner will finish the design of the calling cards. Printing is at the option of the PSN member.
- Registration for Exhibit. We need to get a confirmed list of people who will participate in the exhibit. Since this is a professional commitment, proposal is to ask photographers who would like to participate to deposit a Php300 bond which they can get back once they submit 3 photos (Php100 per photo). This ensures that when we assign them to an event, they will honor their commitment and submit their photos.
- Selection Panel for Photos. Include Jenner & maybe Leo Castillo. Who else?
- Photo Criteria, Rules & Regulations. Ohsie will send rules & regulations from the Canon photo marathon.
- Reserved Slots for the Exhibit. To be fair to everyone, the proposal is that only those officers/members who have devoted considerable time to making the exhibit come to fruition will be given automatic slots for the exhibit.
- Photo Pricing & Selling. When all the costs are available, we will calculate how much we need to sell the photos to meet our goal for the 20% PSN and 80% Charity fund for RCGM. Photos that are sold will be shipped (cost included) to the buyer only after all of the exhibit has been completed. Christmas cards will be on sale throughout the exhibit.
October 17, 2008
eleven years. life at the big blue for me is about to close, maybe in the first quarter of next year. sometimes i ask myself if i am making the right decision specially in light of the current economic downturn. i probably have the option to stay but my heart isn't where it used to be and that has been killing me for the past year or so. maybe i should stop using everybody else as an excuse and just take a leap of faith. maybe that's the best way to do it. and maybe i should stop worrying about it too much.
at 34, is it still seriously possible to be crushing on somebody? i should stop. i'm in a better place right now and i seriously don't need the distraction. b'sides, i'm not cut out for it.
well its friday today, i shouldn't be thinking too much. so whatever was written above was not written by me! LOL!
October 15, 2008
early morning hurrah
October 14, 2008
random thoughts
- i have been sleeping waaay past my usual for the past few days which is the main reason i feel kinda exhausted and crankier in the morning. i really need to get some longer shuteye soon because there's still so much stuff to attend to.
- met some cool new peeps from up with people last saturday. sarah from sweden, brandon from denver and armando from mexico. i did meet luis (from brazil) who is the tour manager for UWP and johann. they were very chatty, very friendly folks who i enjoyed sharing stories with. one great thing - they all thought i was in my mid-20s so yeah, hurrah for looking young.
- first time to see a juijitsu competition last sunday. it was fascinating.
- unplanned as it was, went around trinoma from store to store with b & d checking out what was interesting on the shelves. went home with two nice shirts and realized that there are so many drool-worthy clothes begging me to buy them. but yeah, when i slim down more then i'll be able to buy them. another reason why i should do the gym religiously.
- finally had lechon at chanda's dinner after craving for it for quite some time now. and strangely enough, i had lechon again saturday at tiendesitas. finally satisfied as well my cravings for yellow cab's charlie chan pasta with wings and pizza last sunday. cyma's roka salata for dinner (yum!). cpk for monday dinner.
October 09, 2008
Exhibit Project Schedule in JPG/Acrobat
October 08, 2008
love alone
love alone
caedmon's call
No one would love me
if they knew all the things I hide
My words fall to the floor
As tears drip through the telephone line
And the hands I’ve seen raised to the sky
Not waving but drowning all this time
I'll try to build an ark that they need
To float to you upon the crystal sea
Give me your hand to hold
'Cause I can't stand to love alone
And love alone is not enough to hold us up
We've got to touch your robe
So swing your robe down low
Swing your robe down low
The prince of despair's been beaten
But the loser still fights
Death's on a long leash
Stealing my friends to the night
And everyone cries for the innocent
You say to love the guilty too
And I'm surrounded by suffering and sickness
So I'm working tearing back the roof
Repeat Chorus
And the pain of the world is a burden
And it's my cross to bear
And I stumble under all the weight
I know you're Simon standing there
And I know you're standing there
October 07, 2008
PSN Board : Exhibit Timeline
Things We Need to Do :
1. We need to meet this weekend to discuss the attached schedule, talk about the deadlines and the ownership of the activities.
2. The following activities need to start this week. See file for deadlines:
- Finalize venues for Exhibit (Em)
- Selection of Judging Panel (Benjie)
- Mechanics of the Photo Exhibit (Benjie)
- Final activity schedule for RCGM & UWP (Em)
- Finalize details of RCGM sponsorship (Em)
- Exhibit Prelim Estimate (Sonny)
- Merchandise Prelim Estimate (Ohsie)
- Marketing Prelim Estimate (Rick)
- Miscellaneous Prelim Estimate (Malou)
- Finalize letterheads (Jenner)
- Finalize PSN ID design (Benjie/Jenner)
- Finalize PSN Shirt design (Rick)
- Prepare other sponsorship letters (Em)
The confirmed UWP shows where we would hold the exhibit are the following:
Nov 28 - WTC
Nov 29 - MOA
Nov 30 - Glorietta
There is one BIG problem in terms of the photos to be included in the exhibit - that is, the inclusion of photos taken of the UWP activities beginning sometime in Nov 19 when they arrive. There seems to be no way we can take the photos, pick them out, print them and have them framed in time for the first exhibit (Nov 28). I am working on duration estimates right now so we will need to fine tune it so we can get a more accurate project schedule. The first exhibit on Nov 28 is a week earlier than our original plan.
I've placed owners (activity leads who can assign and form teams) on the activities in the file. It is up to everyone to review the assignments and find a replacement if you are not comfortable handling the responsibility.
I have to emphasize to everyone that the timings are VERY tight and there will be work that needs to be done on a weekly basis moving forward. We will have to help each other out and leverage on as much of the PSN people out there who are willing to help out.
I will be out of the country from November 9-23. Em will coordinate the deadlines.
I've created the project schedule in two files. The microsoft project version is better but i also re-created the schedule in excel that auto-plots based from a start & end date. Excel is 2007. Project file is Office 2003.
You can filter for any of the activities you own (or lead) or any of the activities that start on a particular date. Manually, you can also just check the columns for the week today and see which activities are hi-lited - that either means the activity needs to start or the activity should be in-progress.
I could talk more about the details of the schedule and explain the activities when we meet.
Sorry for the long post. Just need to get all that's in my head in writing.
not a good time to contemplate
i think moving forward, the best recourse is to just enjoy the moment. to not expect anything from anyone. to not fall for the unattainable or those where there's no future together. to not get too attached to anyone because everyone will leave eventually. and to just accept that my life is how i choose to live it.
October 05, 2008
> lunch in sg [09/27/2008]
the thought of having lunch with a couple of friends in another country is just , i dunno, nice. i wish eric was with
we walked around a bit to check out some stores that day and ended up at coffee bean and tea leaf . it was a fun afternoon . makes me sad that annie is in sg already and jap probably will move there soon.
just a few more months and i'll have my options open. maybe moving to sg is still an option worth pursuing. but i'd cross the bridge when i get there.
green gone blue
mind you, its very rare that i drive to this part of the metro but i promised em i was going to watch the tournament. seeing that someone i was seriously crushing on was just an added plus that made spending my whole day there worth it. it was interesting to watch the judo tournament - a first for me and i wasn't disappointed. there was a lot of drama in the competition - bloody cuts, athletes being hauled out on stretchers, bodies getting thrown here and there, and probably a whole lot of broken bones. its such an honor to be an athlete, to represent your school and give them pride by coming home with a medal. the sad thing about games is that there are winners and there are losers. i think the mere fact of competing makes everybody already a winner. i can't even see myself doing judo, much less compete - i'd probably die and i wouldn't want that. this sport i'd say is not for the faint of heart - broken bones, bloody cuts and all. maybe if i was younger i'd give it a try it because there's something about youth and being fearless. one thing for sure though - since i'm friends with both em & tj, i'll probably be forever rooting for the blue eagles in this sport.
its really fun to hang out with cute couple em & tj. and even though i've only known them for a few short months, it feels like i've known them for more than that. i've been introduced to the world of juijitsu and judo which is actually quite interesting to watch. meeting them is probably fate - and like they say, you can't fight fate. teehee.
one thing i realized being around the ateneans is that they all speak english. is that a requirement? LOL! they're all so conyo! la sallians are more down-to-earth (a.k.a tagalog ever ang language). ok, for the record, i could understand them perfectly well and i'll answer in english if they talk to me in english. if not, i prefer to use the native tongue! pinoy ako e! =)
this blog is sort of nonsense. can't really think of anything to write since my legs hurt like all get out and i can't think of anything else but sam.
overheard during the competition: "what's ateneo saying during their cheer? volt & fight?" ... "uhmmm, its One Big Fight!" hahaha peace!
October 02, 2008
PSN Board: Activity Owners Needed
I am in the process of putting up together a master schedule for all activities we need to work on for the upcoming December Photo Exhibit with RCGM & UWP. I'd have to say i've already listed a lengthy list already with some activities i've temporarily assigned owners already.
If you are interested in OWNING any of the activities listed then please let me know by tomorrow. Otherwise, i will randomly assign names to the activities. I am going to work on when are the deadlines for these activities but i anticipate that some of the dates will have to be discussed as a group. I think we will need to meet to discuss the schedule including the details of each of the activities.
*If you become an owner of an activity, you can solicit the help of other PSN members to help you out. What OWNING an activity means is that you will be accountable for making sure the activity is completed.
FYI ...Em informed me today that Mr. Tsai (President of RCGM) would like to meet Kuya Benjie so we will have to schedule that for next week. Kuya B, is monday a good day for you?
The Master Schedule is in Microsoft Project but i moved the activity list in excel manually.