December 07, 2009

life | in the fast lane

so i can't remember the last time i wrote something, and its not because of a lack of things to say.  there are plenty but i guess i have been feeling a bit lazy putting things into words.  christmas is literally around the corner i wonder where did the time go?  i haven't done any christmas shopping yet and its going to be rush rush again this year.  boohoo.

work has been quite steady.  there's occasionally some hiccups but they remain manageable.  the best thing about december workwise are the bonuses.  the added moolah makes you feel doubly rich and you have an opportunity to buy something you've been eyeing for ... say the last few days.  it takes a lot of self-control not to just go and burn those hard-earned moolah one time.  incidentally, a friend decided to sell his old cam and upgrade to a new one.  he was feeling a bit guilty about it because it sort of wiped out his bonus.  but you could see how excited and HAPPY we was holding his new cam.  how could that be bad?  we do need some self-indulgence from time to time.  and its not as if this purchase is going to go to waste, it is an investment.  in his hands, can definitely turn into gold.  wise move if i may say so.

been spending a lot of time with friends lately.  social life is at an all-time high.  i'm gonna have to keep up with the vitamins and figure out how to get better sleep.  the zombie look isn't really working for me well.  LOL.  had dinner at this place called SALA the other night.  food was quite good.  would have gone well with a glass of red but had to settle for red grape juice.  feasted on a box of royce's au lait as well.  those things are worth every peso i paid for.  chinese dinner last saturday at zongs - one dish - hot prawn salad.  major yum.  =)

going back to the doc (again) for another follow-up but from last i get the feeling he's going to tell me i need the minor surgery thing.  bummer.

photography.  i think i may have found a way to make money from it.  i need to beef up my portfolio for it first.  but we'll see if i can squeeze it my already busy busy life.

2010 still looks promising.  a change is coming.

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