February 05, 2006

straight talk

i guess in the grand scheme of things, straight people and non-straight people can never really mix completely. Its like trying to stir oil and water, and that no matter how hard you try there's just no bond between them. i guess it will always be an uphill battle hanging out with straight people because for most of them, they can never really accept people like me for who or what i am. please don't start bringing in religion and telling me that i am going straight to hell because i believe in a God that is accepting, that no matter who or what you are, loves you unconditionally. There are few people who gets me, who really see me for who i am and accepts me for both the good and the bad.

yung friends ko tell me how can i meet someone if i'm always hanging out with straight kids. in a way, they're absolutely right. you can talk about sex, porn, relationships of the straight kind but its still taboo to talk about gay stuff. i'm sure some will cringe at the thought of discussing brokeback mountain or transamerica, or the movie eating out and latter days. they won't see it for what it really is - the reality of life. the reality that people do fall in love in different ways and that friendships can transcend beyond gender and sexual preference.

tama si trixy, there are people that are really fun to hang out with. pero if you hang out with them, treat them like they're really good friends, it doesn't guarantee that they'd treat you back the same way. the key talaga i think is to not let yourself get too close to people, so that when its time to let go, there's very few people and things to look back on. those who truly were meant to be lifelong friends will be there - whether you see them once or twice a year, you will know that when you meet up and talk, its like you were just talking about yesterday.

maybe i'm just really feeling jaded today or maybe this is something i have been putting off for a long time - accepting the sad realities for what it is. Know that the people who can accept me are the real friends, and all others are mere acquiantances.

Right now, i wish for things to get better. That something good happens - cause i really need to hear some good news.

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