September 25, 2007

getting back to normal

things are starting to really get back to normal these days. normal in the sense that now that school's over (kind of), i can finally focus on those things that i put on hold when my sister was in the hospital. i'm happy that so far, with each passing day, things are starting to ease up a bit.

  • finally managed to go back to my dentist and have my braces adjusted. it didn't feel like i was last there four months ago - that can't be right. i really want to get rid of these braces soon. so far the adjustments does not hurt so bad, its more of a minor inconvenience now so that doesn't really keep me from eating.
  • finally went back to the gym after a long abstinence. i did some cardio (as in 10mins lang kaya ko hahaha) and some weights. i really need to get back in shape if i'm still going to use all those size S & M clothes i bought last time.

i'm so tempted to shop. gawd, i haven't shopped in the last four months i'm starting to feel destitute. its taking all my willpower to keep me from going to my favorite shops. now that school is out, its time to refocus my energies and get things organized. i've been lazy for most of the year already and while there's still some more months left in 2007, i should try to salvage this year. some of the things that needs more planning are the following :

  • christmas is around the corner and this year, i should finally make good my promise of shopping for christmas presents early. this year should be different. there's really not a lot of people to give presents to anymore - most of the "friends" have moved on.
  • now that school's out, its time to seriously consider business prospects. put a plan in place and get things moving. its time to get busy.
  • i'll finally have time to learn some new skill - maybe start reading up on post-processing or whatever stuff to awaken my creative talents. i've been so out of touch with it already i fear i've lost it.

there's still work that needs some taking care of and i need to keep that in mind. 2007 wasn't the best year for me and i'm hoping that the rest of the year passes through uneventful. i'm praying hard that 2008 will be a lucky year for me and my family. i'm not sure - but i have faith.

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