i've been quite giddy with the whole photography thing and i've really been looking forward to our weekend practice sessions lately. it is indeed a welcome distraction from mostly everything and i was reluctant at first because i kind of have a history of getting into things i use only for a few weeks and then off they go into dormancy. i still have that gameboy color i used for a couple of weeks and quickly lost interest - its sitting there gathering dust as we speak. the thing about this whole photography shooting sessions is that it helps me tap into that creative part of my head that has been suppressed for the last ten years. working in the semicon industry, i'm paid to think in logical and predictable patterns. and so while i resigned myself into using my creative abilities beautifying the multitude of powerpoint presentations and excel worksheets, i crave for something more substantial and challenging. i probably would have gone into culinary having had a thing for food since way back but getting into the whole photography thing is a mixture of luck and probably timing. my interest would probably have snuffed out in a month or two and i'll realize a point-and-shoot was all i ever needed to begin with if it weren't for my photo buddies (richard, malou, dino). i'm beginning to realize how much of the world there is to see in a different perspective and i don't know if i'll be able to be as good as the other people who are into this photography thing. right now, all i know is that i want to be able to take better pictures and whether those will ever be called "great" or "awesome" by more seasoned or more experienced photographers (like teddy) doesn't bother me a bit. the quandary here being i am an engineer by profession and i have been conditioned to think logically. trying to tap into the creative region of my left brain may be difficult. trying to be good at both will make me extraordinary - i'm not sure i'm that kind of person though.
the least i can do is see where this enthusiasm leads to - tell myself that i tried it. at least get an ROI for the camera. of course i'll be posting select pictures from each and every shoot and you can tag along to see whether i have a future with this or i'm just squandering my time.
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