May 29, 2007

ties to the past

catching up with CL the past few days on his exciting expat assignmet in thailand made me realize how much i appreciate what technology we have today. i remember how RR (an old friend from high school) and i tried keeping in touch by occasionally sending mail & greeting cards when they left for the states. we would have permanently drifted apart if not for reconnecting via email and ym and even friendster. its actually nice to be able to hear where life has taken people i know from high school (16-20 yrs back). its sad to hear that even some of them had passed away. everytime i hear something about somebody from the old days brings back memories of how life back in high school and even college were that simple. it was fun and there weren't so much responsibilities weighing us down. now that we're in our 30's, i'm pretty sure a lot of them have families already, some more successful than other and some have moved out of the philippines. i barely remember some of them even when their names are mentioned. i'm thankful though for the chance to reconnect - even through e-mail.

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