January 24, 2009

reflections on the big blue

after the big blue's announcement of closing down its facilities for good in the philippines, a number of friends sent me a note asking me if i was alright.  for the record, yes i am alright.  my decision to leave the company had nothing to do with that announcement.  i was already contemplating on moving a year back and when they made the announcement about consolidating the operations last year, the practical & logical thing to do was wait.  there was a good package waiting and it was something you just don't throw away.  i do feel sad because there are still people there who've pinned their hopes on a new factory.  life can sometimes have a way of screwing you up - rather it feels that way for a bit.  when you look around though, you'd see that its just a way of letting you see that there's a whole world out there.  there's life after the big blue.  i know that with certainty.  it may not be the kind of life we all have been accustomed to working for the last decade or so, but it is a new life nonetheless.

what i am most happy about is the outpouring of support.  of friends asking me if i am ok and of people asking me for my resume.  i'm happy because i know good - no, make that great people.  i have been blessed more than i could ever be thankful for.  so yeah, i know i'm going to be alright.

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