January 16, 2009

> Tribute: Ronald Ibay's "The Journey Begins"

one of the highlights of last night's gathering was a showcase of our good friend ronald's masterpiece of a coffee table book.  you can sense the awe in everyone's eyes as they peered into pages and pages of exquisite photographs.  it was truly a masterpiece and something each of us would love to have in the future.  maybe that is the culmination of this whole photography thing - to have a collection of works you could be proud of.  a collection of photos retelling a story of your own personal journey.  for some of us it has been a worthy distraction and for others more of a lifeline.

everyone was sharing their "ohhs" and their "aahhhs" on ronald's coffee table book.  it was doubly meaningful because it was something he was giving to his wife as a gift.  what more can you say to that?  all i can say is this --- kuya ronald, you inspire us!  you gave us something to aspire for.  and maybe its not going to be this year or the next, but i believe it will be forthcoming.

here is a page from kuya ronald's coffee table book.  if this was being sold, i wouldn't mind grabbing a copy.
*Grabbed this from Ronald's page.  Hope he doesn't mind.

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