January 31, 2009

this world is getting small

everybody seems to be interested in photography these days.  the number of people at the photoworld exhibit in glorietta is proof of that.  after another round of jiujitsu open mat shoot at an uber warm 3rd floor of a venue mall, photo buds ohsie, joseph and i went to glorietta to hang out. 

i realized that there's really a lot of people with dslr's these days with gears & lenses to die for.  the world of photography is getting smaller that i'm beginning to wonder if there's still places left to fill.  its a good thing this thing is just a hobby, and that i'm still an engineer by heart.  the "art" part of me remains subdued and that is why i question how far my interest in this art will take me.  i'm still really enjoying it though, taking pictures and meeting so many friendly and talented people.  I'm meeting photographers whose works i truly admire, whose talent & skill i aspire to develop in the future.  the thing about photography that appeals to me mostly is that with it, i see the everything around as wonderful opportunities.

so even if i will be part of the multitude, i actually feel ok with it.  my photos are my own.  it is how i see the world around me.  some may find it ordinary but the important thing is "they feel extraordinary to me."

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