June 30, 2007

forced to rest

it was probably bound to happen with all the late nights and early wake-ups to attend to work and family matters. i knew going home last night when my throat felt sore that i was coming down with something. i took vitamins before going to bed hoping it can do some good but i woke up with a really nasty flu this morning. so today, instead of having to work on some of my backlogged program milestones, i am forced to stay in bed and sleep it off. in a way, i guess its my body's way of saying "you need to recharge, and if you are not going to take time to do it, i'll make it happen for you." haay, i can't afford to get sick right now - have so many stuff to work on - read my materials for school on monday, get things in order for the project i'm managing ... ugh! hopefully i'll feel better tonight so i can start working.

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