August 04, 2007

the problem with ...

the problem with me is that i love to procastinate. or rather, it seems i work better under pressure and this is something i'd probably be able to put to the test next week when i try to do most of my strama paper full-time. yes, i took the whole week off to be able to attend to researching and writing my paper. its going to be a challenge and for some weird reason i am not panicking - yet! i guess i've been pre-occupied too much lately that panicking appears to be taking a backseat to most things.

tonight i am going to write up my inputs for our case on monday and i probably should at least try to write a piece of my paper. who knows, maybe i will be able to turn up a more than average strama paper - hahaha who am i kidding? the good news though is that it seems i'm doing really well on my elective (inventory management) and if things work well, maybe there's still a chance of graduating with honors. well who knows right? we have to power to make possible the impossible. its all a matter of attitude. oh yeah, and hard work.

job fair today @ la salle. i submitted my resume to kraft, hsbc, kaisa consulting and accenture. i'm not really looking at anything specific, just wanted to hand out my resumes in case you know, there's an opportunity. nothing wrong with that. work has been a bit of a downer lately - me wanting to get out of being a program manager is happening sooner than i was prepared for. i should feel glad about it because in some way it was what i want but the only problem is that i don't have anything specific to work on after. although they'd tell me in two weeks time, that puts me in limbo - and me being the sole breadwinner in the family, that is not acceptable. so yeah, i'm checking my options.

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