October 23, 2007

almost within reach

everything seems to be unfolding faster than i expected - its exciting but at the same time it scares me. if everything works out, its life changing. tomorrow or the next day, sort of a make or break event. God-willing everything will work out. I just realized i'm thirty-three already (yeah, frac!) - don't really feel and look that old (wala na kokontra) - to be at this stage in life. at a crossroad where choices affect how life moves forward from that point onwards. i'm not yet at that crossroad but i am almost there - and i shiver at the thought of having to make that decision soon. i have to keep things in perspective though and remember that the sacrifice will be well worth it. i know already what decision i will make if all the pieces fits perfectly - its just hard to let go of the familiar.

i guess there really is no right time or right place when and where this happens - life changing decisions. i take consolation in diane lane's "under the tuscan sun" that despite the adversities, the trials and the heartaches - life will be better. hopefully, sooner than we expect.

its almost within reach - just need to pray harder.

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