October 03, 2007

where this road leads to ...

it feels kind of weird being in the same place i was 12 years ago. in a way its different because now i am not really someone begging but i am armed with experience, with achievements and its just a matter of whether our needs align together. there's a lot more to see out there rather than the confines of my room or my cubicle and i think its time to venture into something different. i'm sure there will be disappointments along the way and at times its going to leave me with a heavy heart.

coincendentally, i saw this short video wherein a model was saying that during their auditions, 75% of the time they get rejected. and we wonder how they can pursue being in that kind of cutthroat business - and i guess the answer is simple, for every disappointment, there's bound to be a glimmer of HOPE. a chance. i don't know where this road leads to - and i won't know until i take it. if it takes me back to where i am right now, at least i took the journey. no regrets.

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