June 27, 2006

32 flavors & then some

looking back when i was still in high school, i couldn't wait to grow up cause it seemed back then that grown-ups had all the fun. as years passed by along with those fun & sad times, you realize how quickly time pass by and you suddenly don't feel as young as you used to. yes, i am 32 years old today in the US (yesterday in manila) and i no can no longer lay claim that i am still part of the calendar.

looking back though on the past 31 years of my life, i would say that i have lived a very rich life. i have been blessed with the life experiences that has helped shape me into the person i am today - whether good or bad is a matter of perspective. all i can say is that being 32 today meant 31 years of God waking me up everyday and keeping me safe and healthy. so here are the important people/things in my life that i will eternally be thankful for - God above all, of course.

1. family. my family may not be perfect but they're my family and i love them.
2. jacob. my nephew is God's greatest gift to me & my family.
3. friends. i'm thankful for being blessed with true friends who love & care for me.
4. mcbaby. it has always been you, and it will always be you - no matter what.
5. work. working for intel has helped hone my skills to reach my full potential. viva intel.

maybe being 32 isn't that bad at all? i can still call trixy & ria "ate" so that's a relief.

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