June 08, 2006

extensions ...?

there's a possibility that my trip is going to be extended. that should be good news right? except that i'm kind of getting bored and lonely here in arizona. i mean there's only so much malling you can do and i've already bought a number of items already. i need to phase my spending.

i miss home. i miss my friends na rin. i miss going to the gym. its kind of boring going to the gym here by myself so so far, i've only gone once hahaha. its getting difficult to figure out what to eat every night - not that there aren't a lot of good restaurants here. Its just that when you're trying to eat less and keep your weight, eating out isn't really that great an option.

and i'm supposed to be back in manila on my birthday. and i miss my nephew so much. i want to go home na. but if i need to extend, i have to be professional about it.

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