July 31, 2007


it must be the weather.

for some strange reason, the prof E was especially n-a-s-t-y last night. when he got in the classroom and there were only a few people, i smiled and said "hi" - deadma. ok, whatever. cheerfulness aside, i thought we'd breeze through last night with the expected sordid and sarcastic belittling of our intelligence but i was wrong. he was downright n-a-s-t-y. i almost felt sorry for those who were presenting but no one really showed any sign of giving up. sure he can call us names, call us english-illiterate or whatever - but he can't put us down. so while he was busily chastising the presenters, i was absent-mindedly surfing the net and im'ng friends (yeah, i tend to that when i'm bored). so i added some classmates to friendster, checked my multiply, read some yahoo news, yada yada.

i guess what's on everyone's mind right now is the term paper submission. we were bent on asking for an extension and was trying to figure out where we can segue to bring that up. the opportunity presented itself in a silver platter. we got shot down as soon as we brought it up. there wasn't really anything else to argue with so the two week clock started ticking yesterday. so the next two weeks are going to be extremely busy days and while i am taking the full week off next week, commonsense tells me i should put in some work now. need to stock up on lipovitan (hmmm redbull+vodka na lang).

i don't know what's up ... again, it must be the weather.

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