August 11, 2006

living in limbo

again, past few days feels like i'm living in limbo ... i see things with different eyes. i see my friends and yet there's something different in them - do you think that sounds weird? maybe its just a by-product of my sometimes overactive imagination - of my being too OC sometimes and trying to psycho-analyze every minute detail of what i hear and see. in a way, i told van, this limbo feeling is better for me. there's no need to think too much, its like with the numbness, i'm no longer susceptible to bouts of sadness, longing and desperation. i realized that one of the side effects of taking hydroxycut was light headedness so maybe that explains why i feel like i'm floating in the air most of the time - hearty laughter here.
a good friend broke the news that their pass to singapore has been approved already and they're moving there very soon. i felt sad and happy hearing this news - sad of course cause a very dear friend is leaving and happy because this is a great opportunity and beginning for their family. the other news here is that their daughter is my goddaughter so does that mean i don't have to send any birthday & christmas gifts anymore? scratch yet two names off my shopping list? hahaha i looked at our group of friends and its all thinned out, half of which scattered in different countries. this is what you hate about being grown-ups, the prospect of friends moving away is greater as they pursue bigger & better opportunities outside of this country. me, i'm staying put .... for now.
the re-org discussion for our group is done. its really great what networking can do since i already had a preview of the org chart 4-days in advance - hah! no names yet on the managers so that's a big question for now. the good news is that i still have a job at this time. the challenge is to WIN big yet again to potentially another manager.

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