April 13, 2006


i made up my mind that if the US trip is something that is firmed up already (will confirm by monday) then i will have to prioritize that over school. d was right, if i am not really rushing to finish my mba and this is work-related, then i should choose the trip over school. i can always count on d for good advice, whether it'll be about which professor i should take or stuff like these. this is considering d is six or seven years younger, he can really be all-grown up on one side and a kid on the other. so there ... school will have to take a backseat.

ali & i had an early dinner last night at conti's. we gorged ourselves with baked new zealand mussels (overdosed with garlic & cheese) and each had a full serving of baked salmon. i'd have to say salmon is one of my all-time favorite fish - weird, but i just love the pinkish color of that fish (hahahaha). so despite the difficult task of eating with the braces & trying to make sure no fish bits gets stuck on the wiring, i actually enjoyed the salmon. 4 days with no rice - and not craving for it - i am really making a lot of progress. my diet today may not be a total carbo shutout but i'm pretty sure its going to help me lose some weight.

today is maunday thursday. every where is quite quiet i can only hear the distant whirring of the electric fan (later na ulit aircon, medyo cool pa naman) and the birds chirping. hearing the birds chirping made me miss last year when i was in bora. again, that was one of the best getaways ever. it was just so relaxing waking up & taking breakfast by the seashore. sigh, i really wish i was back in bora right now.

i realized that there are a lot of stuff i can make 'great' in my current job right now. things are actually coming together and presenting itself as opportunities to shine. i can always see when there is something worthwhile, where i can contribute - and reap recognitions. but again, its up to me to seize that opportunity and i have been trying, albeit with little success, to jumpstart my ju-ju (grey's anatomy?) and get my gears moving. if i want to get promoted, then i better start doing some heavy lifting (and i'm not referring to weights). i think the holy week will be good for me to start getting my act together. so peeps in my group better watch out. next week, i will make a comeback and i'm going to show them why i am where i am today. todo na 'to!

watch out for the new & improved ME! 'nuff said!

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